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Tutorial 2: Adding a ground station

In this second tutorial, we will build onto the first by adding a ground station that interacts with SimSat. If you have not yet done so, follow the first tutorial to the end.

Adding a ground station

  1. Go to Model View, then select Geographic Locations from the simulation model tree.

  2. Click the Create button and select New Geographic Location Wizard from the drop-down menu.

Figure 1: Accessing the new geographic location wizard from the model view.

The Geographic Location wizard now appears as a pop-up window, as shown below:

Figure 2: The new geographic location wizard pop-up window.

  1. Select Ground Station and then afterwards select TT&C Only. This will create a Ground Station that is able to interact with a satellite TT&C link. Afterwards select Next.

  2. The location of the given Ground Station can now be given. Select the From city selection. Use the country browser and select Svalbard and then the City list will be populated, select Longyearbyen. Press Next the finalise the Ground Station definition.

Figure 3: Selecting the ground station location using the new geographic location wizard.

  1. The wizard will now show all the available TT&C links that can be created between the Ground Station and the satellites within this simulation scenario. Tick the SimSat TTC Comms option en then press Next.

  2. The last step in the wizard is the naming of the Ground Station. In this case the default, which is the name of the city, is acceptable. Press Finish.

You will now be able to see an enlarged groundstation (as in Figure 4) at the location of Svalbard in the simulation view. This figure also shows the country borders on the Earth, which allows us to more easily verify that the location is correct. To enable these borders, use the button.

Figure 4: An enlarged ground station displays in the simulation view at Svalbard.

In the model view the newly created Geographic Location is listed along with a Data Tranceivers property. When selecting the Show All Dependencies option in the model view toolbar, the link between the Ground Station and the Satellite can be seen as in Figure

Figure 5: The model view dependency tree shows the link between the ground station and satellite.

This link will enable the interaction between the ground station and the satellite when the satellite is in view of the ground station.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a ground station to your D2S2 project. In the next tutorial, we shall simulate the scenario.