info Documentation

Settings for CubeADCS Simulations

The implementation of the CubeADCS models requires that the simulation time step matches with the control loop interval of the ADCS. Gen1 ADCS simulations must use a simulation interval of 1s (to match with the control loop period of the CubeACP). Gen2 ADCS simulations must use a simulation interval of 200ms.

Exceptions to the above include the following:

  • For Gen1, when simulating high angular rates (> 30 deg/s) and the VeryFastDetumbling control mode, the simulation interval must be set to 100ms, to match with the control loop of the VeryFastDetumbling controller
  • For Gen2, when simulating high angular rates (> 30 deg/s) and the ConDetumble control mode, the simulation interval must be set to 125ms, to match with the control loop of the fast-detumbling controller.
  • For Gen2, when simulating only magnetic control, with low initial angular rates, it is possible to accelerate the simulation by using a simulation interval of 1s. This is because the Gen2 magnetic control (for all modes other than ConDetumble) operate with a 1s control loop.