info Documentation

CubeSense Earth

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.CubeSpace.CubeSenseEarth Library: CubeSpaceLibrary

Inheritance CubeSenseEarth : SatelliteElectricalComponent : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent,ISatelliteElectricalComponent,IInitialisable


Infrared Earth horizon sensor.

CubeSense Earth is a compact and reliable infrared earth horizon sensor that provides highaccuracy nadir determination throughout the entire orbit. This allows for accurate satellite control in eclipse without the need for a star tracker, making it a less expensive alternative. Each CubeSense Earth is verified with our infrared lens calibration and earth emulator jig, which is an innovative in-house test set-up designed and built by CubeSpace engineers.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]

State Properties

Property Description
NadirAngularError (Nadir Angle Measurement Error) No information available
MeasuredNadirVector (Measured Nadir Vector) No information available
NadirRawMeasurement (Raw Measurement) No information available
PowerConsumption (Power Consumption) Current power consumption [W]