info Documentation

Developer Features

The functionality within D2S2 can be expanded through user-coded scripts or through user-coded models.

Note that making use of the developer features require that the user has an active Developer License.

User-coded Scripts

Scripts can be used for the following:

  • Automated changes to the simulation model, such as adding a satellite model, or components, programatically
  • Automated changes to model input properties, such auto-configuring a compontent, or parts of the simulation
  • Running a simulation once or multiple times. The latter use-case will be in combination with programmed changes to initial properties, for instance to run Monte Carlo simulations

When running a simulation within a script, it is possible to define custom code to execture at every simulation iteration. This can further be used for custom logging, or custom logic for state and property changes based on current simulation state and time.

User-coded Models

User coded-models typically include custom satellte models, with override of the default behaviour, or custom satellite components to include functionality of user payloads or developed components for which there is no existing or appropriate simulation model. It is possible to develop custom environmental or kinematic models as well.

The first step towards adding user-code to the simulator is to setup the developer environment. Following this, consult the script development or model development sections of the documentation.