info Documentation

Satellite Simulation Container

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.SatelliteSimulation Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance SatelliteSimulation : ModelRoot : ModelBase Implements IInitialisable


This is a container in which an Earth orbiting satellite simulation runs. It is always the root simulation object in a satellite simulation.

The container has dependencies for Earth, Sun and Moon model objects. The Earth model object that is assigned through the Earth property must implement the IEarthModel interface. The EarthModel can be used as a default. The assigned Sun property must implement the ISunModel interface and the default SunModel can be used. The Moon assigned dependency must implement the IMoonModel interface and also for this, the default MoonModel can be used.

The simulation container further has a list of dependent SatelliteModel objects that can be accessed through the Satellites property, and also a list of dependent GeoLocations that represent geographic locations relevent to the simulation through the GeoLocations property.

At each simulation Update iteration, the container will compute the Sun and Moon position, and the Earth ECI to ECEF transform usign the provided Earth, Sun and Moon models. The container will subsequently call the Update method on all the dependent Satellites, and lastly the Update method of all GeoLocations are called.

Owner Dependencies

Property Description
Earth (Earth Model) Earth model that can provide gravity acceleration, atmosphere composition and density, magnetic field, ECEF to ECI conversion, and geoid-sun obscuration based on given position and time
Sun (Sun) Sun model that provides sun position at a given time, and computes irradiance based on provided position
Moon (Moon) Moon model that provides position and orientation of the moon at a given input time
Satellites (Satellites) List of satellites
GeoLocations (Geographic Locations) List of geographic locations