info Documentation

Attitude Control System

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.AttitudeControlSystem Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance AttitudeControlSystem : SatelliteElectricalComponent : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent,ISatelliteElectricalComponent,IInitialisable


This general component provides all the necessary functions and modes which a conventional attitude control system will provide. The Attitude Control Mode provides all the major control modes.

No Control mode does not change the attitude and let the natural dynamics and external torques change the attitude. Y-Thomson is a controlled state in which teh satellite rotates around one axis and align this to the orbital momentum, it normally used as a safe mode and uses little amount of energy to maintain this state. The angular rate of this mode is determined by the Spin Rate parameter. Pointing mode forces the satellite to have a certain roll, pitch and yaw attitude relative to the orbit frame. The pointing reference is controlled by the Roll, Pitch and Yaw inputs. GroundTracking forces the satellite to point a certain axis of the spacecraft, Ground Tracking Vector, to a certain ground target determined by the Lattitude, Longitude and Altitude parameters. This is useful for ground station tracking or imaging specific locations on Earth. Solar Tracking is similar to tracking ground targets but instead tracks the sun vector. This is done normally to point solar panels, determined by Sun Tracking Vector, to the sun to ensure maximum power generation. Solar Spin Tracking ensures that the spin axis of the spacecraft is pointed to the sun. Solar Spin Barbeque is an attitude mode to keep a certain axis perpendicular to the sun to ensure even thermal exposure and that a single side of the satellite not get over exposed to direct thermal radiation.

The rate at which the attitude of the spacecraft can change is controlled by the Slew Limit is normally determined by the torque capabilities of the attitude actuators.

Finally certain power usage of the generic attitude control system can be determined by supplying power usage values for the different modes. This component can then be attached to a power system component as a power consumer.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
PowerUsageNoControl (No Control) Latent power usage [W]
PowerUsageYSpin (Y-Thomson) Power usage in Y-Thomson mode [W]
PowerUsagePointing (Pointing) Power usage in Pointing mode [W]
PowerUsageGndTracking (Ground Tracking) Power usage in Ground Tracking mode [W]
PowerUsageSolTracking (Solar Tracking) Power usage in Solar Tracking mode [W]
PowerUsageSolTrackSpin (Solar-Tracking Spin) Power usage in Spinning Solar Tracking mode [W]
PowerUsageSolBbq (Solar-tracking Barbeque Spin) Power usage in Barbeque Spin mode [W]
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]

Input Properties

Property Description
ControlModeSelection (Attitude Control) Control mode selection
SpinRate (Spin Rate) Body spin rate [deg/sec]
RollReference (Roll Reference) Roll reference for pointing mode [deg]
PitchReference (Pitch Reference) Pitch reference for pointing mode [deg]
YawReference (Yaw Reference) Yaw reference for pointing mode [deg]
LatReference (Latitude) Lattitude reference of ground target [deg]
LonReference (Longitude) Longitude reference of ground target [deg]
AltReference (Altitude) Altitude reference of ground target [km]
GroundTrackingVector (Ground Tracking Body Vector) Body vector to point to target
SunTrackingVector (Sun Tracking Body Vector) No information available
SlewLimit (Slew Limit) Maximum slew rate of attitude system [deg/sec]

State Properties

Property Description
PowerConsumption (Power Consumption) Current power consumption [W]