Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.CubeSpace.CubeComputer5Hil Library: CubeSpaceLibrary
Inheritance CubeComputer5Hil : CubeComputer5ModelBase : SatelliteElectricalComponent : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent,ISatelliteElectricalComponent,IInitialisable,IDisposable
Simulation model for connecting to the Gen2 CubeComputer, running control and estimation algorithms remotely.
When utilised in conjunction with the CubeADCS FM or DM (development model) core, in hardware in the loop (HIL) mode, it can be a fully representative EM FlatSat without the need for physical actuators and sensors. In this instance, D2S2 will emulate space conditions to convincingly simulate the ADCS hardware in orbit. Customers can also utilise the CubeADCS DM core to develop their own OBC<>ADCS software interface.
Property | Description |
Fss0 | Model dependency link to a fine sun sensor. |
Fss1 | Model dependency link to a fine sun sensor. |
Fss2 | Model dependency link to a fine sun sensor. |
Fss3 | Model dependency link to a fine sun sensor. |
Hs0 | Model dependency link to a Earth horizon sensor. |
Hs1 | Model dependency link to a Earth horizon sensor. |
CoarseSunSensor | Model dependency link to a set of 10 coarse sun sensors. |
Mag0 | Model dependency link to a CubeMag magnetometer. |
Mag1 | Model dependency link to a CubeMag magnetometer. |
Mtq0 | Model dependency link to a magnetorquer. |
Mtq1 | Model dependency link to a magnetorquer. |
Mtq2 | Model dependency link to a magnetorquer. |
Rwl0 | Model dependency link to a reaction wheel. |
Rwl1 | Model dependency link to a reaction wheel. |
Rwl2 | Model dependency link to a reaction wheel. |
Rwl3 | Model dependency link to a reaction wheel. |
ExtGyr0 | Model dependency link to an external 3-axis rate sensor. |
ExtGyr1 | Model dependency link to an external 3-axis rate sensor. |
Str0 | Model dependency link to a star tracker. |
Str1 | Model dependency link to a star tracker. |
ExtSensor0 | Model dependency link to a generic sensor. |
ExtSensor1 | Model dependency link to a generic sensor. |
GnssReceiver | Model dependency link to a GNSS receiver. |
Property | Description |
UseSimMode | No information available |
ConfigMustMatch | No information available |
HilInterface | No information available |
ComPortName | No information available |
CanDeviceName | No information available |
CanDestID | No information available |
CanSrcID | No information available |
Position (Position) | Position [m] |
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) | Centre of mass [m] |
Mass (Mass) | Mass [kg] |
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) | Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2] |
Property | Description |
Connected | No information available |
SyncMaxRetry | No information available |
ControllerConfig (Controller Configuration) | Controller configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
EstimatorConfig (Estimator Configuration) | Estimator configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
SatelliteConfig (Satellite Configuration) | Satellite configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
MountConfig (Mounting Configuration) | Mounting configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
OrbitSatParams (Satellite Orbit Parameters) | Satellite orbit configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
OrbitTargetParams (Target Orbit Parameters) | Target satellite orbit configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
MagMainConfig (Main Magnetometer Calibration) | MAG0 configuration (calibration correction) of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
MagRedConfig (Redundant Magnetometer Calibration) | MAG1 configuration (calibration correction) of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
NodeSelectionConfig (Node Selection Configuration) | Node selection configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
RwConfig (Reaction Wheel Configuration) | Reaction wheel configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
MtqConfig (Magnetorquer Configuration) | Magnetorquer configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
Asgp4Config (ASGP4 Configuration) | Adaptive SGP4 configuration of the control program running on the CubeComputer. |
ReferenceRpy (Reference RPY) | Reference angles to which attitude is controlled in ConXYZwheel control mode. |
ReferenceTarget (Reference Target) | Geographic coordinates for target to track, when using ConTgtTrack, ConTgtSteer, ConGndTrack, ConYawTarget, ConRollTarget or ConYawTargetBest control modes. |
ReferenceIrcVector (Reference IRC Vector) | Inertial vector to control attitude to when using ConIrcTrack control mode. |
ReferenceFmcParam (FMC Parameters) | Parameters for FMC imaging. Applies only when using ConFmcTarget control mode. |
OpenLoopWheelSpeeds (Open-loop Wheel Commands) | Open-loop wheel speed command to apply directly to wheels. (Only valid when selected control mode does not make use of wheels). |
OpenLoopWheelMomentum (Open-loop RW Momentum Command) | Open-loop satellite momentum command for reaction wheels to follow. (Only valid when control mode is ConHxyzRW). |
ControlMode (Selected Control Mode) | Attitude control mode. |
EstimationMode (Selected Estimation Mode) | Attitude estimation mode. |
OrbitMode (Selected Orbit Mode) | Orbit estimation mode. |
Property | Description |
HilUpdateMissed | No information available |
SyncError | No information available |
RetryNeeded | No information available |
IsConnected | No information available |
LoopDeltaTime | No information available |
D2s2UpdateTime | No information available |
AdcsUpdateTime | No information available |
Sync1Time | No information available |
Sync2Time | No information available |
CommsTime | No information available |
EstimationModeState (Active estimation mode) | Attitude estimation mode. |
ControlModeState (Active control mode) | Attitude control mode. |
OrbitModeState (Active orbit mode) | Orbit estimation mode. |
NavSource (Navigation Source) | Source of position and velocity data. |
EstimatedState (Estimated Kinematic State) | Satellite position, velocity, attitude and angular rates as estimated by the CubeComputer control program. |
Mtq0CmdOnTime (MTQ0 on-time command) | Magnetorquer MTQ0 command. |
Mtq1CmdOnTime (MTQ1 on-time command) | Magnetorquer MTQ1 command. |
Mtq2CmdOnTime (MTQ2 on-time command) | Magnetorquer MTQ2 command. |
Rwl0CmdSpeed (RWL0 speed command) | Reaction wheel RWL0 speed command. |
Rwl1CmdSpeed (RWL1 speed command) | Reaction wheel RWL1 speed command. |
Rwl2CmdSpeed (RWL2 speed command) | Reaction wheel RWL2 speed command. |
Rwl3CmdSpeed (RWL3 speed command) | Reaction wheel RWL3 speed command. |
FmcStage (FMC Stage) | FMC stage (applicable only when using ConFmcTarget control mode). |
Asgp4BatchCtr (ASGP4 batch counter) | Current batch counter for adaptive SGP4 processing. |
Asgp4PosDelta (ASGP4 position delta) | Average error between ASGP4 orbit position and GNSS measurements during last batch update. |
Asgp4Error (ASGP4 position error) | Indication that GNSS position differs too much from current ASGP4 estimated position. |
EstimatedPosError (Position Error) | The difference between true (simulated) and estimated position. |
AttitudeEstimationError (Estimated Attitude Error (AKE)) | The difference between true (simulated) and estimated attitude angles. |
AttitudeControlError (Attitude Control Error) | The difference between true (simulated) and commanded or reference attitude angles. |
AngularRateUnit (GYR0 Measured Angular Rate) | Angular rate as measured by the internal GYR0 rate sensor. |
AngularRateError (GYR0 Angular Rate Error) | Difference between true angular rate and internal GYR0 gyroscope measurement. This includes bias drift and measurement noise. |
Orientation | No information available |
PowerConsumption (Power Consumption) | Current power consumption [W] |