info Documentation

Solar and Geomagnetic Index Provider

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.SolarAndGeomagneticIndexProvider Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance SolarAndGeomagneticIndexProvider : ModelBase Implements ISolarAndGeomagneticIndexProvider


Provides Ap and F10.7 solar index to the NRLMSISE-00 model. For historic dates, Ap and F10.7 indices are found from a data file. For future dates, the indices are calculated from a ‘mean’ 11-year profile, based on K. O. Niehuss, W. W. Vaughan and H. C. Euler, Statistical Technique for Intermediate and Longrange Estimation of 13-month Smoothed Solar Flux and Geomagnetic Index, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1996. Historic daily values are available, but prediction is only based on monthly intervals.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
SolarFluxAndMagneticIndexMode (Solar and Geomagnetic Mode) Mode for finding the F10.7 solar flux and Ap magnetic indices
ConstantSolarFlux (Constant Solar Flux) Constant value for F10.7 solar flux - used only if the Solar and Geomagnetic Mode is set to 'Constant'
ConstantApIndex (Constant Geomagnetic (Ap) Index) Constant value for Ap geomagnetic index - used only if the Solar and Geomagnetic Mode is set to 'Constant'