info Documentation

External Box

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.ExternalBox Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance ExternalBox : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent


A box shaped structural component, with optional surface model contribution to the satellite

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
Size (Box Size) Dimensions of box [m]
HasPx (Surface +X) Set to true to include a face on the +X side of the box
HasNx (Surface -X) Set to true to include a face on the -X side of the box
HasPy (Surface +Y) Set to true to include a face on the +Y side of the box
HasNy (Surface -X) Set to true to include a face on the -X side of the box
HasPz (Surface +Z) Set to true to include a face on the +Z side of the box
HasNz (Surface -Z) Set to true to include a face on the -Z side of the box
HasSurface (Has Surface) Set to true for this cylider to contribute to surface model
Color (Colour) RGB colour of the surface
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]