info Documentation

SGP4 Orbit Kinematic Model

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.Sgp4OrbitKinematicModel Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance Sgp4OrbitKinematicModel : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteKinematicModel,IInitialisable


Provides orbit position and velocity, and attitude angles and angular rates to the satellite. This model calculates the SGP4 modelled position and velocity and converts the TEME output to J2000 ECI coordinate frame. The attitude of the satellite is propagated by numeric integration of the Euler dynamic equation

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
Tle1 (TLE line 1) First line of the two-line element set
Tle2 (TLE line 2) Second line of the two-line element set
Inclination (Inclination) Inclination (deg)
Eccentricity (Eccentricity) Eccentricity
RAAN (Right-ascension of Ascending Node) Right-ascension of the ascending node (deg)
ArgPerigee (Argument of Perigee) Argument of perigee (deg)
BStar (B-Star Drag Term) B-star drag coefficient
MeanMotion (Mean Motion) Orbit mean motion (revolutions per day)
MeanAnomaly (Mean Anomaly) Orbit mean anomaly (deg)
Epoch (Epoch) Orbit elements epoch
ObjectIdentificationNumber (Object ID) Object Identification Number
Classification (Classification) Classification
InternationalDesignator (International Designator) International Designator
MeanMotionDot (1st DOT of Mean Motion) Derivative of time of the mean motion
MeanMotionDot2 (2nd DOT of mean Motion) Second derivative of time of the mean motion
ElsetType (Element-set Type) Element-set Type
ElsetNumber (Element-set Number) Element-set Number
RevNoAtEpoch (Rev no. at epoch) Revolution number at epoch
InitialRoll (Initial Roll Angle (deg)) No information available
InitialPitch (Initial Pitch Angle (deg)) No information available
InitialYaw (Initial Yaw Angle (deg)) No information available
InitialRates (Initial Angular Rates (deg/s)) No information available
NumericalIntegratorSelection (Numerical Integrator) No information available
IntegrateAttitude (Attitude Model) No information available

State Properties

Property Description
PositionTeme (Position) SGP4 propagator position output in TEME frame
VelocityTeme (Velocity) SGP4 propagator velocity output in TEME frame