info Documentation

Cover Panel

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.CoverPanel Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance CoverPanel : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent


Draws a flat panel with 1mm thickness, with optional aperture in it. This model object contributes a flat area to the satellite surface model.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
DimX (X-Dimension) Length of panel along the local X-direction [m]
DimY (Y-Dimension) Length of panel along the local Y-direction [m]
Thickness (Thickness) Thickness of panel along the local Z-direction [m]
NumSurfModelSegsX (Number X-Segments) Number of surface area divisions along X-direction
NumSurfModelSegsY (Number Y-Segments) Number of surface area divisions along Y-direction
HasHole (Panel has Apperture) Set to true to include an apperture in the panel
HoleX (Apperture X) Center of apperture along X-direction [m]
HoleY (Apperture Y) Center of apperture along Y-direction [m]
HoleRadius (Apperture Radius) Radius of apperture [m]
IsEnclosingPanel (Is Enclosing Panel) Seting this to true will result only in a single-sided surface (with normal in the +Z direction). Setting it to false will result in a double-sided surface.
PanelColor (Colour) RGB colour of the surface
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]