info Documentation

NewSpace Systems NRWA-T065

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.CubeSpace.NssNrwaT065 Library: CubeSpaceLibrary

Inheritance NssNrwaT065 : ReactionWheelBase : SatelliteElectricalComponent : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent,ISatelliteElectricalComponent,IReactionWheel,IInitialisable


NewSpace Systems NRWA-T065

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]

State Properties

Property Description
ControlTorque (Control Torque Vector) The control torque vector generated by the reaction wheel.
AngularMomentum (Angular Momentum Vector) The true angular momentum vector of the wheel. [Nms]
SpeedCommandUnit (Speed Command) The most recent speed command reveived by the reaction wheel.
MeasuredSpeedUnit (Measured Speed) The speed of the wheel measured by reaction wheel encoder.
MeasuredSpeedErrorUnit (Speed Measurement Error) The simulated error in the measured speed of the reaction wheel.
CommandedSpeedErrorUnit (Speed Reference Error) The difference between commanded wheel speed and measured wheel speed.
MeasuredMomentumUnit (Measured Angular Momentum) The measured angular momentum of the wheel.
PowerConsumption (Power Consumption) Current power consumption [W]