info Documentation

Data Transceiver

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.DataTransceiver Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance DataTransceiver : DataTransmitter : DataCommunicationsComponent : SatelliteElectricalComponent : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent,ISatelliteElectricalComponent,IInitialisable


This general component provides all the necessary functions for a satellite to transmit and receive communication to/from a ground station. This component is an extension of DataTransmitter and adds receiver functionality.

The additional functionality entail: A receiving Antenna component that needs to be linked to this component. Additionally a list of type Ground Station creates the communication links which will be calculated. At each time step it is determined whether the satellite is in site of a ground station. If the satellite is within the elevation limit of the ground station a reception link calculation is done to determine the effective power received by the satellite. The power received and ground station ID is reported. If more than one ground station is in the vacinity of the satellite the link that has the largest received power is reported.

Property Description
RxAntenna No information available
TxAntenna No information available

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
RxEnable (Rx Enable) Indicate whether a receiver is enabled
RxFrequency (Rx Frequency) Receive Frequency [Hz]
RxLineLoss (Rx Line Loss) Receiver Line Loss [dBi]
RxPolarityLoss (Rx Polarity Loss) Receiver Polarity Loss [dBi]
RxAtmosphereLoss (Rx Atmospheric Loss) Receiver Atmospheric Loss [dBi]
TxEnable (Tx Enable) Indicate whether a transmitter is enabled
TxFrequency (Tx Frequency) Transmit Frequency (Hz)
TxPower (Tx Power) Transmit Power (W)
TxLineLoss (Tx Line Loss) Transmitter Line Loss (dBi)
TxEfficiency (Tx Efficiency) Transmitter Electrical Power Efficiency (%)
BeaconPeriod (Beacon Period) Period between beacon transmissions (seconds)
BeaconDuration (Beacon Duration) Duration of beacon transmission (seconds)
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]

Input Properties

Property Description
TxMode (Transmitter Mode) Transmitter Mode

State Properties

Property Description
RxPower (Rx Power) Receive Power [dBW]
RxFreeSpace (Rx Free-Space Loss) Receiver Free-Space Loss [dBi]
RxAntennaPointing (Rx Antenna Gain) Current gain from antenna - includes pointing loss [dBi]
RxGroundID (Receiving From) Received ground station signal
TxActive (Tx Active) Transmitter Active
TxAntennaPointing (Tx Antenna Gain) Current gain from antenna - includes pointing loss (dBi)
TxFreeSpace (Tx Free-Space Loss) Transmitter Free-Space Loss (dBi)
PowerConsumption (Power Consumption) Current power consumption [W]