info Documentation

Earth Model

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.EarthModel Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance EarthModel : ModelBase Implements IEarthModel


This is the default Earth Model for a satellite simulation. This model object serves as a container for the various environmental models that provide the necessary detail to the Earth Model. The dependencies include an Atmosphere property for a model object that implements the IEarthAtmosphereModel interface, a MagneticField property for a model object that implements the IEarthMagneticFieldModel interface, an Ionosphere property to which a model that implements the IEarthIonosphereModel interface, and a CentralBodyGravitationalPotential property to which a model that implements the IGravitationalPotential interface can be assigned.

This model will collect data for the Earth-related environment that a satellite is in from the various child models, and return it to the SatelliteSimulation container.

Owner Dependencies

Property Description
Atmosphere (Atmosphere) Atmosphere model that provides density for a given position and time
MagneticField (Magnetic Field) Model that provides magnetic field strength and direction for a given position and time
Ionosphere (Ionosphere) Model that provides ion composition for a given position and time
CentralBodyGravitationalPotential (Central Body Gravity) Model that provides gravitational potential gradient for a given position