info Documentation

Non Isotropic Antenna Base

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.NonIsotropicAntennaBase Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance NonIsotropicAntennaBase : Antenna : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent


This presents a base class for an antenna. It cannot be added directly to a satellite, but other antenna implementations inherit from this class so that the antenna is reported in an uniform way. It further implements an interpolation technique to obtain the gain of the antenna given a certain vector from the satellite to the target.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]