info Documentation

Solar Panel

Class name: D2S2.Model.Satellite.SolarPanel Library: D2S2 Library

Inheritance SolarPanel : CoverPanel : SatellitePhysicalComponent : SatelliteComponent : ModelBase Implements ISatelliteComponent,ISatellitePhysicalComponent


This component creates a solar panel that is capable of generating power when illuminated by the sun. The size and number of the solar panel elements can be set. The current Generated Power is calculated using the Maximum Power and the current solar incidence angle. A Disturbance Torque is also calculated as a function of the Maximum Magnetic Moment which is as result of the magnetic moment that the solar panel can induce as a result of currents flowing through it.

This component is normally used in conjuction with a Electrical Power System to model satellite power generation.

Initial Value Properties

Property Description
MaxMagneticMoment (Maximum Magnetic Moment) Maximum magnetic moment that the solar panel can induce as a result of currents flowing through it [A.m^2]
MaxSolarPower (Maximum Power) Maximum power that the solar panel can generate [W]
FirstCellX (First Cell X) Position of first solar cell along X-direction [m]
FirstCellY (First Cell Y) Position of first solar cell along Y-direction [m]
CellSpacingX (Cell X-Spacing) Distance between cells along X-direction [m]
CellSpacingY (Cell Y-Spacing) Distance between cells along Y-direction [m]
NumCellsX (Num Cells X) Number of solar cells along the X-direction
NumCellsY (Num Cells Y) Number of solar cells along the Y-direction
DimX (X-Dimension) Length of panel along the local X-direction [m]
DimY (Y-Dimension) Length of panel along the local Y-direction [m]
Thickness (Thickness) Thickness of panel along the local Z-direction [m]
NumSurfModelSegsX (Number X-Segments) Number of surface area divisions along X-direction
NumSurfModelSegsY (Number Y-Segments) Number of surface area divisions along Y-direction
HasHole (Panel has Apperture) Set to true to include an apperture in the panel
HoleX (Apperture X) Center of apperture along X-direction [m]
HoleY (Apperture Y) Center of apperture along Y-direction [m]
HoleRadius (Apperture Radius) Radius of apperture [m]
IsEnclosingPanel (Is Enclosing Panel) Seting this to true will result only in a single-sided surface (with normal in the +Z direction). Setting it to false will result in a double-sided surface.
PanelColor (Colour) RGB colour of the surface
Position (Position) Position [m]
Orientation (Orientation) Orientation Direction Cosine Matrix (DCM)
CentreOfMass (Centre of Mass) Centre of mass [m]
Mass (Mass) Mass [kg]
MomentOfInertia (Moment of Inertia) Moment of inertia matrix [kgm2]

State Properties

Property Description
Torque (Torque) Torque that the solar panel is inducing when the sun is incident on it, as a function of cosine of incidence angle [Nm]
PowerGeneratedUnit (Generated Power) Power generated by the solar panel [W]