info Documentation

Automation Schedule Entries for CubeADCS

The AutomationSchedule section of the D2S2 scenario file can be used to effect changes to a model, based on the simulation time. This includes changes to the CubeComputer's input properties.

The property values that must be set in the Automation Schedule, must be specified in the same way that input or initial values in the scenario file is specified.

Example CubeComputer property changes are shown in the scenario file excerpt below.

    "AutomationSchedule": {
      "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[D2S2.Simulation.ScheduledPropertySet, D2S2]], mscorlib",
      "$values": [
          "$type": "D2S2.Simulation.ScheduledPropertySet, D2S2",
          "Time": "2025-01-01T12:10:00",
          "ModelObject": "CubeComputer",
          "Property": "EstimationMode",
          "Value": 6
          "$type": "D2S2.Simulation.ScheduledPropertySet, D2S2",
          "Time": "2025-01-01T12:10:00",
          "ModelObject": "CubeComputer",
          "Property": "ControlMode",
          "Value": 13
          "$type": "D2S2.Simulation.ScheduledPropertySet, D2S2",
          "Time": "2025-01-01T12:15:00",
          "ModelObject": "CubeComputer",
          "Property": "OrbitTargetParams",
          "Value": {
            "$type": "D2S2.Model.Satellite.CubeSpace.CubeComputerControlProgram8+ConfigOrbitTargetParams, CubeSpaceLibrary",
            "OrbitEpoch": 25001.0,
            "OrbitIncl": 104.0,
            "OrbitRaan": 305.0,
            "OrbitEccen": 0.0001,
            "OrbitAP": 0.0,
            "OrbitMA": 23.0,
            "OrbitMM": 14.8,
            "OrbitBstar": 0.0
          "$type": "D2S2.Simulation.ScheduledPropertySet, D2S2",
          "Time": "2025-01-01T12:24:00",
          "ModelObject": "CubeComputer",
          "Property": "ReferenceRpy",
          "Value": {
            "$type": "D2S2.Model.Satellite.CubeSpace.CubeComputerControlProgram8+ReferenceRpy, CubeSpaceLibrary",
            "CmdRpyRoll": 1.27307618,
            "CmdRpyPitch": -0.27511692,
            "CmdRpyYaw": 155.612274
    "CsvFilename": null